article_as_string SYNOPSIS - USAGE String article_as_string () DESCRIPTION This function will return the entire contents of the current article as a string. SEE ALSO -------------------------------------------------------------- get_next_art_pgdn_action SYNOPSIS - USAGE Integer get_next_art_pgdn_action () DESCRIPTION This function may be used to get information about what action slrn will take when an attempt is made to go to the next page of the current article, e.g., by pressing the space key. It returns one of the following integers: -1 Not in article mode 0 Next page of the article will be displayed 1 The next unread article will be displayed 2 The newsreader will go to the next newsgroup -------------------------------------------------------------- is_article_visible SYNOPSIS - USAGE Integer is_article_visible () DESCRIPTION This function returns information about whether or not the article associated with the current header is visible in a window. Specifically, it returns: 0 : if the article window is hidden 1 : if the article window is showing but the current header does not refer to the article 3 : if the article window contains the current header article SEE ALSO is_article_window_zoomed, call -------------------------------------------------------------- is_article_window_zoomed SYNOPSIS - USAGE Integer is_article_window_zoomed () DESCRIPTION This function returns 1 if the article window is zoomed, or 0 otherwise. SEE ALSO is_article_visible, call -------------------------------------------------------------- pipe_article SYNOPSIS - USAGE Void pipe_article (String cmd) DESCRIPTION This function may be used to pipe the current article to the command given by the `cmd' argument. SEE ALSO read_mini -------------------------------------------------------------- re_search_article SYNOPSIS - USAGE Integer re_search_article (String pat) DESCRIPTION This function searches forward in the article associated with the currently selected header for a string matching the regular expression given by the parameter `pat'. It returns 0 if no matching line is found. Otherwise, it returns 1 and the matching line will be left on the stack as a string. SEE ALSO search_article -------------------------------------------------------------- save_current_article SYNOPSIS - USAGE Integer save_current_article (String filename) DESCRIPTION This function saves the currently selected article to a file specified by `filename'. It returns 0 upon success or -1 upon failure. NOTES This function always creates a new file. SEE ALSO -------------------------------------------------------------- search_article SYNOPSIS - USAGE Integre search_article (String str) DESCRIPTION This function searches forward in the article associated with the currently selected header for the string given by the parameter `str'. It returns 0 if no matching line is found. Otherwise, it returns 1 and the matching line will be left on the stack as a string. SEE ALSO re_search_article -------------------------------------------------------------- set_article_window_size SYNOPSIS - USAGE Void set_article_window_size (Integer nrows) DESCRIPTION The `set_article_window_size' may be used to set the height of the article window. The variable `SCREEN_HEIGHT' may be used to facilitate this. SEE ALSO -------------------------------------------------------------- get_response SYNOPSIS - USAGE Interger get_response (String choices, String prompt) DESCRIPTION This function will prompt the user for a single character using the prompt as specifed by the second parameter. The first parameter, choices, specified the characters that will be accepted. Any character in the prompt string that is preceeded by \001 will be given the `response_char' color. EXAMPLE The following: rsp = get_response ("yYnN", "Are you hungry? \001Yes, \001No"); will return one of the four characters `y', `Y', `n', or `N' to the variable `rsp'. SEE ALSO get_yes_no_cancel, set_color, get_select_box_response -------------------------------------------------------------- get_select_box_response SYNOPSIS - USAGE Integer get_select_box_response (title, item_1, ..., n_items) DESCRIPTION This function pops a selection box and queries the user for a response. An integer is returned which indicates the user's choice. EXAMPLE variable rsp = get_select_box_response ( "Pick a number:", "one", "two", "three", "four", 4); message (sprintf ("You chose %d", rsp)); SEE ALSO read_mini, message, get_yes_no_cancel, get_response -------------------------------------------------------------- get_yes_no_cancel SYNOPSIS - USAGE Integer get_yes_no_cancel (str) DESCRIPTION This function displays `str' in the minibuffer after concatenating `"? [Y]-es, N-o, C-ancel"' to it. It then awaits user input and returns: 1 if yes 0 if no -1 if cancel NOTES If a `%' character is to appear, it must be doubled. SEE ALSO get_select_box_response, getkey, read_mini, select_list_box -------------------------------------------------------------- message_now SYNOPSIS Display a message immediately USAGE Void slrn_message_now (String_Type s) DESCRIPTION This function displays the string `s' to the message area immediately. SEE ALSO message, vmessage, error -------------------------------------------------------------- read_mini SYNOPSIS - USAGE String read_mini (String p, String dflt, String init) DESCRIPTION This function will prompt the user for a string value using prompt `p'. The second parameter `dfl' is used to specify the default value. If the final parameter is not the empty string (`""'), it will be made available to the user for editing. SEE ALSO read_mini_no_echo, getkey, set_input_string, set_input_chars -------------------------------------------------------------- read_mini_no_echo SYNOPSIS - USAGE String read_mini_no_echo (String p, String dflt, String init) DESCRIPTION This function performs the same purpose as `read_mini' except it does not echo the entered text to the screen. SEE ALSO read_mini, getkey, set_input_string, set_input_chars -------------------------------------------------------------- select_list_box SYNOPSIS - USAGE String_Type select_list_box (title, s_1, ... s_n, n, active_n) String_Type title, s_1, ... s_n Int_Type n, active_n DESCRIPTION This purpose of this function is to present a list of `n' strings, specified by the `s_1', ... `s_n' parameters to the user and have the user select one. The user interface for this operation is that of a box of strings. The title of the box is specified by the `title' parameter. The `active_n' parameter specifies which string is to be the default selection. It returns the string selected by the user. SEE ALSO get_select_box_response, get_response -------------------------------------------------------------- set_input_chars SYNOPSIS - USAGE Void set_input_chars (String val) DESCRIPTION This function may be used to set the character that will be returned by the next prompt for single character input in the minibuffer. This is the type of input that `get_response' solicits. EXAMPLE set_input_chars ("y"); if ('y' == get_yes_no_cancel ("Really Quit")) quit (0); SEE ALSO set_input_string, get_response, get_yes_no_cancel -------------------------------------------------------------- set_input_string SYNOPSIS - USAGE Void set_input_string (String val) DESCRIPTION This function may be used to set the string that will be returned by the next prompt for input in the minibuffer. One can set the value returned for the next n prompts by separating the values by \n characters. EXAMPLE The code variable a, b; set_input_string ("Apple\nOrange"); a = read_mini ("Enter Fruit", "", ""); b = read_mini ("Enter another Fruit", "", ""); will result in `a' having the value `Apple' and `b' having the value `Orange'. SEE ALSO read_mini, set_input_chars -------------------------------------------------------------- close_log_file SYNOPSIS Close a previously opened log file USAGE Void close_log_file () DESCRIPTION The `close_log_file' function closes the file previously opened by `open_log_file'. SEE ALSO open_log_file, log_message -------------------------------------------------------------- log_message SYNOPSIS Send a message to the log file USAGE Void log_message (String_Type msg) DESCRIPTION The `log_message' function may be used to write a string to the log file. If no log file has been opened via `open_log_file', the message will be written to `stderr'. SEE ALSO open_log_file, close_log_file, message -------------------------------------------------------------- make_home_filename SYNOPSIS - USAGE String make_home_filename (name) DESCRIPTION This function returns the complete filename associated with a file called `name' located in the user's home directory. SEE ALSO read_mini -------------------------------------------------------------- open_log_file SYNOPSIS Log S-Lang traceback messages to a file USAGE Void open_log_file (String_Type file) DESCRIPTION The `open_log_file' function causes S-Lang traceback messages to be written to the specified file. This is useful for debugging macros. Traceback messages are enabled by setting the S-Lang variable `_traceback' to a non-zero value. SEE ALSO close_log_file, log_message, _traceback, _trace_function -------------------------------------------------------------- print_file SYNOPSIS Send a file to the printer USAGE Void print_file (String_Type file) DESCRIPTION The `print_file' function may be used to send a specified file to the printer. NOTES The printer is specified via the slrnrc `printer_name' variable. -------------------------------------------------------------- current_newsgroup SYNOPSIS - USAGE String current_newsgroup () DESCRIPTION This function returns the name of the current newsgroup. SEE ALSO server_name -------------------------------------------------------------- get_group_flags SYNOPSIS - USAGE Integer get_group_flags () DESCRIPTION This function returns the flags associated with the current newsgroup. This integer is a bitmapped value whose bits are defined by the following constants: GROUP_UNSUBSCRIBED : set if the group is unsubscribed GROUP_NEW_GROUP_FLAG : set if the group is new SEE ALSO get_header_flags, set_group_flags, current_newsgroup -------------------------------------------------------------- group_down_n SYNOPSIS - USAGE Integer group_down_n (Integer n) DESCRIPTION This function moves the current group pointer down `n' groups and returns the actual number moved. SEE ALSO group_up_n, group_search, current_newsgroup -------------------------------------------------------------- group_search SYNOPSIS - USAGE Integer group_search (String name) DESCRIPTION This function searches for a newsgroup containing the string `name'. It also searches newsgroup descriptions. A non-zero value is returned upon success or zero upon failure. NOTES This search may wrap. SEE ALSO select_group, current_newsgroup -------------------------------------------------------------- group_unread SYNOPSIS - USAGE Integer group_unread () DESCRIPTION This function returns the number of unread articles in the current newsgroup. SEE ALSO select_group, current_newsgroup, is_group_mode -------------------------------------------------------------- group_up_n SYNOPSIS - USAGE Integer group_up_n (Integer n) DESCRIPTION This function moves the current group pointer up `n' groups and returns the actual number moved. SEE ALSO group_down_n, group_search, current_newsgroup -------------------------------------------------------------- is_group_mode SYNOPSIS - USAGE Integer is_group_mode () DESCRIPTION This function returns non-zero if the current mode is group-mode. SEE ALSO -------------------------------------------------------------- select_group SYNOPSIS - USAGE Integer select_group () DESCRIPTION This function may be used to select the current group. It returns 0 upon success or -1 upon failure. It can fail if the group has no articles. SEE ALSO current_newsgroup -------------------------------------------------------------- set_group_flags SYNOPSIS - USAGE Void set_group_flags (Integer flags) DESCRIPTION This function may be used to set the flags associated with the current newsgroup. SEE ALSO get_group_flags -------------------------------------------------------------- collapse_thread SYNOPSIS - USAGE Void collapse_thread () DESCRIPTION This function may be used to collapse the current thread. SEE ALSO uncollapse_thread, collapse_threads, is_thread_collapsed -------------------------------------------------------------- collapse_threads SYNOPSIS - USAGE Void collapse_threads () DESCRIPTION This function will collapse all threads in the current newsgroup. SEE ALSO uncollapse_threads -------------------------------------------------------------- extract_article_header SYNOPSIS - USAGE String extract_article_header (String h) DESCRIPTION This function returns the article header line specified by the header keyword `h'. If the header does not exist, it returns the empty string. SEE ALSO is_article_visible -------------------------------------------------------------- get_grouplens_score SYNOPSIS - USAGE Integer get_grouplens_score () DESCRIPTION This function returns the grouplens score of the current header. If the header has no grouplens score, or if grouplens support has not been enabled, 0 will be returned. SEE ALSO -------------------------------------------------------------- get_header_flags SYNOPSIS - USAGE Integer get_header_flags () DESCRIPTION This functions returns the flags for the current header. This integer is a bitmapped value whose bits are defined by the following constants: HEADER_READ : set if header is marked as read HEADER_TAGGED : set if header has `*' tag HEADER_HIGH_SCORE : set if header has high score HEADER_LOW_SCORE : set if header has low score SEE ALSO set_header_flags -------------------------------------------------------------- get_header_score SYNOPSIS - USAGE Integer get_header_score () DESCRIPTION This functions returns the score for the current header. SEE ALSO set_header_score -------------------------------------------------------------- get_header_tag_number SYNOPSIS - USAGE Integer get_header_tag_number () DESCRIPTION This function returns the value of the numerical tag associated with the current header. If the header has no numerical tag, zero is returned. SEE ALSO -------------------------------------------------------------- goto_num_tagged_header SYNOPSIS - USAGE Integer goto_num_tagged_header (Integer n) DESCRIPTION This function causes the header with numerical tag `n' to become the current header. It returns 1 upon success or 0 upon failure. SEE ALSO header_down, get_header_flags, call -------------------------------------------------------------- header_down SYNOPSIS - USAGE Integer header_down (Integer n) DESCRIPTION The function moves the current position down `n' headers. It returns the number that was actually moved. SEE ALSO header_up -------------------------------------------------------------- header_next_unread SYNOPSIS - USAGE Intger header_next_unread () DESCRIPTION Goto next unread header. The function returns one upon success or zero upon failure. SEE ALSO header_down -------------------------------------------------------------- header_up SYNOPSIS - USAGE header_up () DESCRIPTION The function moves the current position up `n' headers. It returns the number that was actually moved. SEE ALSO header_down -------------------------------------------------------------- is_thread_collapsed SYNOPSIS - USAGE Integer is_thread_collapsed () DESCRIPTION If the current header is the start of a collapsed thread, this function will return a non-zero value. If the thread is expanded, zero will be returned. SEE ALSO collapse_thread -------------------------------------------------------------- locate_header_by_msgid SYNOPSIS Goto a header of a specified message-id USAGE Int_Type locate_header_by_msgid (String_Type msgid, Int_Type qs) DESCRIPTION The `locate_header_by_msgid' function may be used to set the current header to one whose message-id is given by `msgid'. If the second parameter `qs' is non-zero, then the header will be retrieved from the server if it is not in the current list of headers. The function returns `1' if an appropriate header was found, or `0' otherwise. EXAMPLE One possible use of this function is to mark the current position in the header list and return to that position later, e.g., % Save the current position variable msgid = extract_article_header ("Message-Id"); . . % Return to previous position. () = locate_header_by_msgid (msgid); -------------------------------------------------------------- next_tagged_header SYNOPSIS - USAGE Integer next_tagged_header () DESCRIPTION This function moves the current header position to the next `*' tagged header. It returns non-zero upon success or zero upon failure. SEE ALSO prev_tagged_header, goto_num_tagged_header, header_up, header_down -------------------------------------------------------------- prev_tagged_header SYNOPSIS - USAGE Integer prev_tagged_header () DESCRIPTION This function moves the current header position to the previous `*' tagged header. It returns non-zero upon success or zero upon failure. SEE ALSO next_tagged_header, goto_num_tagged_header, header_up, header_down -------------------------------------------------------------- re_bsearch_author SYNOPSIS - USAGE Integer re_bsearch_author (String regexp) DESCRIPTION Search backward for header whose author matches regular expression `regexp'. If successful, it returns 1 and the current header is set to the matching header. It returns 0 upon failure. SEE ALSO re_fsearch_author, re_fsearch_subject -------------------------------------------------------------- re_bsearch_subject SYNOPSIS - USAGE Integer re_bsearch_subject (String regexp) DESCRIPTION Search backward for header whose subject matches regular expression `regexp'. If successful, it returns 1 and the current header is set to the matching header. It returns 0 upon failure. SEE ALSO re_fsearch_author, re_bsearch_subject -------------------------------------------------------------- re_fsearch_author SYNOPSIS - USAGE Integer re_bsearch_author (String regexp) DESCRIPTION Search forward for header whose author matches regular expression `regexp'. If successful, it returns 1 and the current header is set to the matching header. It returns 0 upon failure. SEE ALSO re_bsearch_author, re_fsearch_subject -------------------------------------------------------------- re_fsearch_subject SYNOPSIS - USAGE Integer re_fsearch_subject (String regexp) DESCRIPTION Search forward for header whose subject matches regular expression `regexp'. If successful, it returns 1 and the current header is set to the matching header. It returns 0 upon failure. SEE ALSO re_fsearch_author, re_bsearch_subject -------------------------------------------------------------- set_header_display_format SYNOPSIS Set the nth header display format USAGE Void set_header_display_format (Int_Type nth, String_Type fmt) DESCRIPTION The `set_header_display_format' function may be used to set the `nth' header display format to `fmt'. One may interactively toggle between the formats via the `toggle_header_formats' keybinding. The generic format specifier begins with the `%' character and must be of the form: %[-][w]x where the brackets indicate optional items. Here, _w_ is a width specifier consisting of one or more digits. If the minus sign (-) is present, the item will be right justified, otherwise it will be left justified. The item specifier _x_ is required and, depending on it value, has the following meaning: s : subject S : score r : author real name f : from header G : Group lens score l : Number of lines n : server number d : date t : thread tree F : flags (read/unread, `*' and `#' tags, header number) % : percent character g : goto a specified column Thus, `"%F%-5l:%t%s"' indicates that the header window will contain the, in order: the flags, the number of lines the article contains right justified in a 5 character field, a `:', the tree, and the subject. The `g' format specifier must be preceeded by a number that indicates the next write should take place at the specified column. If the column number is negative, then the column is interpreted as an offset from the right side of the display. For example, `%-24g%f' indicates that then _From_ header is to be written out 24 columns from the right edge of the window. SEE ALSO set_visible_headers -------------------------------------------------------------- set_header_flags SYNOPSIS - USAGE Void set_header_flags (Integer flags) DESCRIPTION This function may be used to set the flags associated with the currently selected header. See the description for the `get_header_flags' function for more information. SEE ALSO get_header_flags -------------------------------------------------------------- set_header_score SYNOPSIS - USAGE Void set_header_score (Integer score) DESCRIPTION This function may be used to set the score of the current header. SEE ALSO get_header_score -------------------------------------------------------------- set_visible_headers SYNOPSIS Set the headers that are to be displayed USAGE Void set_visible_headers (String_Type header_list DESCRIPTION The `set_visible_headers' function may be used to specify the headers that are displayed when an article is views. The string `header_list' specifies a comma separated list of headers to show. EXAMPLE To show only the From header and headers that start with `X-', use: set_visible_headers ("X-,From:"); SEE ALSO is_article_visible, set_header_display_format -------------------------------------------------------------- thread_size SYNOPSIS - USAGE Integer thread_size () DESCRIPTION This function returns the number of articles in the current thread or subthread. SEE ALSO -------------------------------------------------------------- uncollapse_thread SYNOPSIS - USAGE Void uncollapse_thread () DESCRIPTION This function may be used to uncollapse the current thread. SEE ALSO thread_size, collapse_thread, is_thread_collapsed -------------------------------------------------------------- uncollapse_threads SYNOPSIS - USAGE Void uncollapse_threads () DESCRIPTION This function uncollapses all threads. This is usually necessary if one wants to use the header movement functions to access hidden headers. SEE ALSO collapse_threads -------------------------------------------------------------- call SYNOPSIS - USAGE Void call (String fun) DESCRIPTION This function is used to execute an interactive slrn internal function. Such functions are used with `setkey' statements in the `.slrnrc' startup files. SEE ALSO definekey, undefinekey, set_prefix_argument -------------------------------------------------------------- definekey SYNOPSIS - USAGE definekey (String fun, String key, String km) DESCRIPTION This function is used to bind a key sequence specified by `key' to a function `fun' in the keymap `km'. Here `fun' can be any predefined slang function that takes 0 arguments and returns void. The parameter `km' must be either "article", "group", or "readline". SEE ALSO undefinekey, call, set_prefix_argument -------------------------------------------------------------- get_prefix_arg SYNOPSIS Get the value of the prefix argument USAGE Int_Type get_prefix_arg () DESCRIPTION The `get_prefix_arg' function returns the value of the prefix argument. If no prefix argument has been set, the function returns `-1', which is an impossible value for the prefix argument. NOTES The prefix argument is specified interactively via the ESC key followed by one or more digits that determine value of the prefix argument. This concept has been borrowed from the emacs text editor. SEE ALSO set_prefix_argument, reset_prefix_arg -------------------------------------------------------------- getkey SYNOPSIS - USAGE Integer getkey () DESCRIPTION Read a character from the terminal and returns its value. Note: Function and arrow keys usually return more than one character. SEE ALSO ungetkey, input_pending, read_mini -------------------------------------------------------------- input_pending SYNOPSIS - USAGE Integer input_pending (Integer tsecs) DESCRIPTION This function checks for keyboard input. Its argument specifies the number of tenths of a second to wait. It returns 0 if no input is available or a non-sero value if input is available. SEE ALSO getkey, ungetkey -------------------------------------------------------------- reset_prefix_arg SYNOPSIS Cancel the prefix argument USAGE Void reset_prefix_arg () DESCRIPTION The `reset_prefix_arg' function may be used to reset the prefix argument. This is usually necessary after calling to keep the argument from propagating to other functions. SEE ALSO get_prefix_arg, set_prefix_argument -------------------------------------------------------------- set_prefix_argument SYNOPSIS - USAGE Void set_prefix_argument (Integer val) DESCRIPTION The `set_prefix_argument' function may be used to set the prefix argument to `val'. It is mainly used immediately before `calling' internal functions which take prefix arguments. SEE ALSO call -------------------------------------------------------------- undefinekey SYNOPSIS - USAGE Void undefinekey (String key, String map) DESCRIPTION This function undefineds a key sequence specified by `key' from keymap `map'. SEE ALSO definekey -------------------------------------------------------------- ungetkey SYNOPSIS - USAGE Void ungetkey (Integer ch) DESCRIPTION This function pushes the character `ch' back upon the input stream such that the next call to `getkey' will return it. It is possible to push several characters back. SEE ALSO getkey -------------------------------------------------------------- get_variable_value SYNOPSIS - USAGE Value get_variable_value (String v) DESCRIPTION This function returns the value of an internal variable specified by `v'. Here `v' must be one of the variable names that can be used in `.slrnrc' `set' commands. The type of the object returned will depend upon the type of the object `v' represents. SEE ALSO set_integer_variable, set_string_variable -------------------------------------------------------------- quit SYNOPSIS - USAGE Void quit (Integer exit_status) DESCRIPTION This function will cause the newsreader to exit with exit status specified by `exit_status'. SEE ALSO call -------------------------------------------------------------- server_name SYNOPSIS - USAGE String server_name () DESCRIPTION The `server_name' function returns the name of the current server. SEE ALSO current_newsgroup -------------------------------------------------------------- set_color SYNOPSIS - USAGE Void set_color (String obj, String fg, String bg) DESCRIPTION This function may be used to set the foreground and background colors of an object. The `obj' parameter specifies the object and the `fg' and `bg' parameters specify the foreground and background colors, respectively. -------------------------------------------------------------- set_integer_variable SYNOPSIS - USAGE Void set_integer_variable (String name, Integer v) DESCRIPTION This function may be used to set the value of the internal integer variable specified by `name' to value `v'. `name' must be an integer variable name allowed in .slrnrc `set' commands. SEE ALSO set_string_variable, get_variable_value -------------------------------------------------------------- set_string_variable SYNOPSIS - USAGE Void set_string_variable (String name, String v) DESCRIPTION This function may be used to set the value of the internal string variable specified by `name' to value `v'. `name' must be a string variable name allowed in .slrnrc `set' commands. SEE ALSO set_integer_variable, get_variable_value -------------------------------------------------------------- tt_send SYNOPSIS Send a string to the terminal USAGE Void tt_send (String_Type s) DESCRIPTION This function may be used to send a string directly to the display without any involvement of the screen management layer. SEE ALSO message, update -------------------------------------------------------------- update SYNOPSIS - USAGE update () DESCRIPTION This function may be used to force the display to be updated. SEE ALSO message --------------------------------------------------------------